What’s Happening

The Backstory Behind Steel House Lofts’ Artful Water Tank
Excerpt from TPR.org... You may have noticed the unusual structure perched on top of some residential lofts on South Flores here in San Antonio. The 30-feet tall, conical-roofed shape is just like the steel water tanks that used to be there. Dennis McDaniel owns the...
San Antonians Celebrate San Pedro Creek Makeover Launch
Excerpt from Texas Public Radio... San Antonio and Bexar County celebrated the start of the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project at a groundbreaking Thursday night. Hundreds showed up to learn more about the creek’s future—and its past. Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff...
Attention Getter
Excerpt from Texas Architect Magazine... Linda Pace was a woman who listened to her dreams: It was a vision of a multicolored snake biting her on the ear that inspired the hot sauce heiress to leave her family business behind for a new life of art creation and...
San Antonio’s Missions declared a World Heritage site
Excerpt from USA Today... Five cherished portals to America's Spanish colonial past have just been elevated to the stature of Machu Picchu, Stonehenge and the Taj Mahal with Sunday's decision by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational,...